

Reiki is a healing technique where therapist can channel energy to another by means of touch or focused intention. The goal is to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Depending on the level of the practitioner, Reiki can be done face to face or through focused intention and sent long distance anywhere in the world.

Because she is only four atonement levels deep of Mikao Usui, the creator of Reiki as it is known today, Eleni carries the strength of this direct lineage

Distance Healing Session only $89.00

Contact us today for a personalized Reiki session for you or a loved one

All that is needed to begin the process is a quick form to fill out to give Eleni direction on who and where the healing is going.

You can be included live virally for your session to hear any feedback Eleni receives from divine guidance or get she can email the communications to you


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